For Algorithm User

Prerequisition on AWS

Make sure you have full access to Lambda, Simple Queue Services, S3, EC2 Container Services, CloudWatch and EC2. If you are using aws container registry to host container image, EC2ContainerRegistry access will also be needed.

Here is a screen shot of the policies.

Additionally, make sure you have the following two roles in your IAM: EC2ActionsAccess role with CloudWatchActionsEC2Access policy and ecsInstanceRole role with AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role policy.

The former one allows AWS, more specifically, cloud watch to stop/terminate ec2 instance on your behave. The later one allows ec2 instance register to ecs cluster, poll images for ecr and write logs to CloudWatch log. These two are will be automatically generated when you first use CloudWatch alarm and ecs if using the aws console. Here is a link about how to sent these up.

Lastly, create a role called lambda_exec_role with the following policy:

    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": [
    "Version": "2012-10-17"

This role will allow lambda function to send input file information to message queue, check resources to start ecs task, launch ec2 instance into ecs cluster if needed and register ec2 on cloudwatch for shutdown.

You can added manually on aws console or run the following command.


We suggest creating a iam user with permissions only to access sqs and s3 for ecs task run.

Prepare your work flow json file

Right now you need to prepare your work flow json file directly. We will integrate common workflow language (cwl) to prepare work flow in the near future.

The following is a sample work flow json file. It puts input files in container-clouds-input s3 bucket and expects output files in container-clouds-output. It runs single algorithm “change123-s3”.

    "input_s3_name": "container-clouds-input",
    "output_s3_name": "container-clouds-output",
    "key_pair": "wyx-cci",
    "account_id": "your-aws-account-id",
        "type": "single_run",
                "name": "change123-s3",
                "port": [],
                    "TEST_ENV": "blah blah blah"

yunpipe also supports sequential work flow. All you need to do is to change value “single_run” in “process”.”type” entry to “sequence_run” and describe the list of algorithms in the sequence you want to run in the “process”.”algorithms” field.

Run your work flow

Once a JSon file of your work flow description is generated, you can run your work flow on the cloud simply by running the following command.

setup-pipe -f work-flow-json

yunpipe will try to find your AWS login info from environment variables, then shared credential file ~/.aws folder, which is the aws sdk default location. If AWS login is not found, yunpipe will ask your aws credentials and configs then stored in ~/.aws folder.

We suggested not using -uu or –use_user_credential flag. If using such flag, ecs tasks will use user’s credential to run and user’s credential will be displayed as plaintext in ecs task definition, which might cause security problem. We suggest creating a iam user with permissions only to access sqs and s3 and using it’s credential.

If you are not using -uu or –use_user_credential flag, yunpipe will check ~/.yunpipe/task file for credentials, if yunpipe failed to find it, it will ask you for such informations and stored in ~/.yunpipe/task file.

When the set up is finished, you will receive the following message. You can start uploading your input files and letting cloud handle the rest.

You can start upload files at some_S3_bucket_name
You will get your result at some_S3_bucket_name

Enjoy pipelining!!